Architektur / Landschaftsarchitektur / Design Graz, München

Univ. Prof. Klaus K. Loenhart

»Wir gestalten leben­dige Systeme, die Menschen, Raum und Öko­system­leistung in unmittelbare Bezieh­ung setzen.«

Architektur und Land­schaft sind in unserem Gestalten untrenn­bar! Mit dieser Aus­sage geben wir einer schein­bar selbst­ver­ständ­lichen Wahr­heit eine Stimme, denn Archi­tektur und Land­schaft sind das Material, aus dem unsere Um­welt besteht.

Im Zusammen­spiel dieser Hand­lungs­felder entwickelt Studio terrain: integral designs leben­dige Systeme, die Menschen, Raum und Öko­system­leistung in un­mittel­bare Bezieh­ung setzen und auf die trans­forma­tive Innovations­leis­tung zwischen öko­logischen Akteuren und mensch­lichen Bemüh­ungen ab­zielen. Hier treffen sich Design, intelli­gente Techno­logie, soziale Praxis und natür­liche Sys­teme, als integrale Bestand­teile unserer künftigen gesell­schaft­lichen Ambi­tionen.



Klaus Klaas Loenhart is passionate eco-innovator, founder of terrain: integral designs, and Professor at ia&l Landlab TU Graz, Austria. As a multidisciplinarian, he and his teams are envisioning nature-inspired and impact-focused design solutions for reconnecting urban society with our living world through design-innovation.

Klaus considers urban agglomerations to be a living biome. His systemic and passionate mission for an integral and eco-based societal practice was established during his multidisciplinary studies at the Munich University of Applied Sciences, at the Harvard Graduate School of Design in Cambridge, Massachusetts and while working at Herzog & de Meuron, in Basel, Switzerland.

Current projects, conducted by his studio terrain: integral designs and his LANDLAB at the ia&l – Institute for Architecture and Landscape, aim for transformative co-creation between ecological agents and human endeavors to inform the fields of human health, biodiversity, and social urban practices in times of changing climates. Here, design innovation, landscape performance, ecological systems and social practice meet to partner within our living urban environments—as the integral part of our societal ambitions…

As proof of the concept he and his team.breathe.austria implemented the Austrian Pavilion at the 2015 EXPO World Fair in Milan—a natural/technological hybrid, whose ecological and atmospheric performance takes center stage—and were recently awarded the UNESCO City of Design Award – Grand Award.


terrain: integral designs BDA


Graz, München




Architektur und Landschaft, Design Beratung, Design Strategie, Produktdesign


TU Graz