Make your own clean air with algae
Von Anika Kinghorst
90 percent of the world's population is exposed to toxic levels of fine dust every day. We believe that everyone has the right to clean air. However, political processes and changes that get to the root of the problem are too slow. That's why we want to give the people affected the opportunity to improve the air they are breathing and thus set an example for better air.

Algae can not only produce 20 times more oxygen than trees, they also bind fine dust. These properties are already being used, but few people are aware of the benefits of algae and even fewer can access them. We are using the potential of algae to improve the air quality in living spaces by showing people how they can build their own air filter based on algae and plastic bottles. To spread the concept, we approach teachers directly so that they can build algae reactors with their students. Furthermore our campaign includes a video, a website and a kickstarter campaign where you can buy an algae reactor designed for the western market. All our products are made from recycled material.
Anika Kinghorst
Lukas Neukam